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Warning Issued over Tokyo Governor Election Posters

Warning Issued over Tokyo Governor Election Posters

   Tokyo, June 24 (Jiji Press)--Tokyo police have warned the head of a minor political organization over posters advertising a sexual service parlor on an official election bulletin board for the July 7 Tokyo gubernatorial election.
   Investigative sources said Sunday that the Metropolitan Police Department slapped Takashi Tachibana, head of the NHK Party, with a warning Saturday for a possible violation of the law governing the adult entertainment industry.
   A bulletin board in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward was found to have displayed 24 posters advertising a shop providing sexual services to women. The posters contained a quick response, or QR, code linked to what appeared a social media account of a former employee of the establishment.
   Tachibana told authorities Saturday that he will make improvements. He said on his YouTube channel that the problematic posters have been replaced with different posters.
   The political organization has fielded 24 candidates for the gubernatorial race and started a project to allow people to put up 24 posters of their choice on official election bulletin boards for a donation of 25,000 yen per board. As a result, posters unrelated to the election, such as those with images of dogs, have been put up on some boards.

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