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CDP Struggling to Be Anti-LDP Rallying Point in Next Election

CDP Struggling to Be Anti-LDP Rallying Point in Next Election

   Tokyo, June 24 (Jiji Press)--The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan is struggling to become a rallying point for anti-Liberal Democratic Party votes in the next general election, as efforts to establish a united front with other opposition parties make little progress.
   The main opposition party is set to compete against the Japanese Communist Party in 75 out of the 289 single-seat constituencies in the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of Japan's parliament, while it is expected to face off against Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party) in 105 constituencies.
   "The CDP bears a significant responsibility to shape a government without the LDP," CDP President Kenta Izumi told a press conference Friday. "We want to discuss with parties willing to fight together with us."
   The CDP dealt a blow to the LDP-Komeito ruling bloc by winning all three Lower House by-elections in April with the support of the JCP. Tomoko Tamura, head of the JCP, is calling for collaboration among opposition parties in the Tokyo gubernatorial election July 7.
   In the ordinary Diet session that concluded on Sunday, Nippon Ishin and the Democratic Party for the People backed a CDP-submitted a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's cabinet, along with the JCP.

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