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Dissolution Order May Prompt Unification Church to Hide Assets: Lawyer

Dissolution Order May Prompt Unification Church to Hide Assets: Lawyer

Lawyer Katsuomi Abe speaks in an interview in Tokyo on Jan. 21.
Lawyer Katsuomi Abe speaks in an interview in Tokyo on Jan. 21.

   Tokyo, March 25 (Jiji Press)--A court ruling on Tuesday ordering the dissolution of the Unification Church in Japan, aimed at preventing the controversial religious group from inflicting further damage on its followers, has triggered concern that it may try to hide its assets.
   The order, issued by Tokyo District Court, is expected to "hurt the group's public esteem and lead the group to curtail its activities, resulting in the prevention of further damage to people," said Katsuomi Abe, a member of a team of lawyers for victims harmed by the group, formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
   The group said it is considering appealing the dissolution order to a high court. Liquidation proceedings would begin if a high court upholds the order.
   "The higher the possibility for the proceedings to start becomes, the more the group is likely to hide its assets," Abe warned, calling for legislation to secure assets in advance.
   The lawyer also pointed out that the liquidation of the group will require its cooperation under the current religious corporation law. "The proceedings may not make progress, without measures such as strengthening the authority of the liquidator," he said.

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