Japan Eyes Group to Put Bendy Solar Cells into Practical Use

Japan Eyes Group to Put Bendy Solar Cells into Practical Use

   Tokyo, May 21 (Jiji Press)--Japan's industry ministry said Tuesday that it will launch a public-private group this month with the aim of commercializing perovskite solar cells, which are thin, light and bendable.
   Perovskite solar cells, which can be installed flexibly in various places, such as on walls, are believed to hold the key to Japan's push for renewable energy.
   Over 150 organizations, including companies and local governments, are expected to take part in the group.
   Cost reduction and improving durability are crucial to putting the next-generation solar cells into practical use.
   At a press conference on the day, industry minister Ken Saito said the new group will discuss targets for when to launch the perovskite solar cells and for prices.

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