Japan Govt Warns against Baseless Info about Prince Hisahito
Tokyo, Sept. 6 (Jiji Press)--A senior official of Japan's Imperial Household Agency has warned that groundless information is circulating regarding the future plans of Prince Hisahito, who came of age at 18 on Friday.
Weekly magazine and other media reports have said that Prince Hisahito, the son of Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko and second in line to the throne, may seek admission to the prestigious University of Tokyo through a recommendation system. The reports sparked an online petition campaign in opposition.
"The prince has found the situation very strange. He is feeling distressed," said Naomasa Yoshida, grand master of the Crown Prince's household.
"Even though he has come of age, he is still a high school student. As Prince Hisahito mentioned in his reflections, he is striving to realize his future plans and wishes to cherish his high school life, and I also want to value that personally," Yoshida added.