(Update) LDP Tokyo Assembly Members to Correct Funds Reports

(Update) LDP Tokyo Assembly Members to Correct Funds Reports

   Tokyo, Jan. 23 (Jiji Press)--The Liberal Democratic Party group in the Tokyo metropolitan assembly said Thursday that 26 people, including former assembly members, will make corrections to their funds reports over a political money scandal involving the group.
   The group, which released the results of an internal investigation the same day, also indicated that it will not endorse as official candidates six individuals with past experiences of being the head of the LDP assembly member group in the upcoming Tokyo assembly election in June. The LDP is currently the largest force in the Tokyo assembly.
   Some LDP members of the assembly did not pay some revenues from fundraising parties held in 2019 and 2022 to the LDP group, instead keeping a portion of the proceeds for themselves. Such funds were not booked in the income and expenditure reports of both the members and the group.
   Calling the scandal "very serious," Daisuke Komatsu, who heads the group, at a press conference said, "The damage (from the scandal) is huge in the run-up to the Tokyo assembly election."
   "We'll work harder than ever to regain trust," he said.

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