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Ishimaru Launches Regional Party for Tokyo Election

Ishimaru Launches Regional Party for Tokyo Election

Former Akitakata Mayor Shinji Ishimaru announces the name of his regional political party at a press conference in Tokyo's Minato Ward on Wednesday.
Former Akitakata Mayor Shinji Ishimaru announces the name of his regional political party at a press conference in Tokyo's Minato Ward on Wednesday.

   Tokyo, Jan. 15 (Jiji Press)--Shinji Ishimaru, the runner-up in the Tokyo governor race last July, announced Wednesday the launch of a regional political party to field candidates in the next election for the capital's assembly this summer.
   At a press conference in Tokyo's Minato Ward, the former Akitakata mayor in Hiroshima Prefecture underscored the importance of getting more people involved in politics and enhancing human resource mobility there.
   The new party, named the Path to Rebirth, will allow its metropolitan assembly members to serve only up to two four-year terms while letting them vote freely, Ishimaru said. Meanwhile, he ruled out running in the election himself.
   Given the fact that in the gubernatorial election Ishimaru garnered more votes than former House of Councillors lawmaker Renho, a high-profile candidate backed by the major oppositions Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and Japanese Communist Party, how much support his party will get from voters in the upcoming Tokyo contest should attract attention, critics said.
   At present, around 60 pct of seats in the metropolitan assembly are held by three parties effectively backing Governor Yuriko Koike--Tomin First no Kai, the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito. Koike serves as special adviser to Tomin First, or Tokyoites First.

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